Use of this site is bound by the following conditions
Please refer to your service contract or invoice for Terms and Conditions of the service provided to you by Scotts Cleaning.
All information on this website is of a general nature, and does not take in to account your individual needs or situation.
Nothing in this website is to be construed to be a contract or agreement between your self or your organisation and Scotts Cleaning (Vic). Your agreement with us will be formed in full by a specific contract alone.
Scotts Cleaning (Vic) makes no claim that the information in this website is accurate or up to date. This will include text, prices and images. Its purpose is only to provide a basis for information regarding the services of Scotts Cleaning (Vic).
External Links
Links to external websites are provided for information only. We make no undertaking that the information on those sites is accurate or factual.
Any questions can be directed to the proprietors by contacting us as shown to the left.
All images on this site are the strict property of Scotts Cleaning (Vic) or of the photographer.
In no case are any of the images or text permitted to be copied or reproduced in anyway, either physically or by electronic means.